martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

lette to the ilustrisimu Armengol Ondo Nguema

LETTER TO THE DON illustrious Armengol Ondo Nguema.1., First I want prguntar.que merchant family has interest in guinea?. To myself I see that this family does suffer greatly Guineans:1.porque many dead people unemployed by them. Years ago Mr. merchant penda had dealt with some people in Libreville Gabon and collection fcfa 8000.000, to transport the Guineans who came to weapons tracar Mbini district, KOGO .There are some who lived in his village in korisco and fed them, and then left them there, and is the first to come to endorse that wants to have a stroke.Again it was traveling in Cameroon and from there went to warn the Republic of Equatorial Guinea who were preparing a coup from Cameroon.GUINEA had to send soldiers there to check hera true or not.Ondo Nkumu was there to verify and proved false.And is the work you are doing penda merchant, not for the good of the country but to mistreat and ask Guineans DON Armengol Ondo Nguema do not have to back such a person as criminal, mafia and unfaithful for the good of the country.2,. Now there Guinean graduates who can work well for the country but not a criminal just have to take a position as the one with the Lord in ministry MERCADER PENDA of work.The drtor is like the ministry of labor and does not deserve to be there.3.You want to ask if this family really are pure Guineans, because one can not mistreat Guinean losdemas this.Because a person can not be associated with the government and with the oposicion.Todo Alavez this because you want to earn more money earning it the wrong way, because the people is a traitor. And people just have to go and live in confined short cut to avoid the greater evil, because we want to live in peace Guineans and not as in the past ...4.Hay a man who brought in a company and guinea Ocurio an accident trabajo.Y Mr. Mercader unemployment and this gentleman is now sufrienfo in his people without health care and without work.At this time I hera there as chief of staff can not comment because I knew that the Lord had rason.pero tieneuna MERCADER hand as long as I could not even say anything about it.Therefore ask Guineans to be very careful with him and with this kind of person MERCADER PENDA.porque are this type of person and are hell to fuck others.And the second is that it is a lawyer and do not know what kind of lawyer is ...
The author of the LORD ocurido.EL FRANCISCO NDONG MICHA.Thank you very much ...

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